Are You Ready To Take Control of your surgery preparation?   

Nutrition, mindset, and strengthening changes can start now!

Join our program to know that you have resources to empower you to meet your surgery goals. 

Join Now To Take Control

An upcoming surgery can be a daunting event, but it does not have to be. 

You can prepare, similar to how an elite athlete would prepare for an upcoming event. 

  • Are you looking for information on the things you can do before surgery, but overwhelmed by the amount of information available out there? 
  • Have you been told to "eat better" without direction of how to do so? 
  • Have you been told to "be active", but are not sure how to even get started or why it matters? 
  • Are you like most people with poor sleep and feelings of fatigue without any idea of how to start to improve your sleep or sleep quality?

If you can relate to any of the above, what I’m about to share on this page can help you take control and make an educated plan change your lifestyle for the better.

It doesn't involve costly meal plans or gym memberships...

As long as you have the passion to make a lasting change in your life, I want to help you feel empowered to participate in your own health.

But before I get into that, allow me to introduce myself…


Hi, I’m Liz!

I’m a mom and a surgeon who passionately believes there is so much more we can do to help people get ready for and recover from surgery.

It feels like I have been in medicine nearly my entire life. I was an athlete as a child and therefore a patient following orthopedic injuries. 

I volunteered at the hospital as a teenager and then knew I wanted to help take care of patients very early on. 

In school I learned about all of the advances in medicine and all of the tools we have to treat patients.


I learned there was a pill for nearly everything... 

I loved the puzzle pieces of medicine. It was a mix and match of ailment and then dictating a dose and duration of medication for treatment. It did not seem to matter how many medications; if you have another symptom, just add another medication. Yet, when I got into practice, these medications may have been saving lives, but people were not necessarily feeling healthy. With surgical intervention, we could have the prettiest wounds and beautiful X-rays, but that did not always predict a satisfied patient. 

I decided that I had to dig a little deeper….

I went searching for what felt like the missing part of medicine. I went looking for the art of medicine that seemed to have been removed from process. I found what I would only be able to describe as the art of healing. I then started and completed my Fellowship in Integrative Medicine through the University of Arizona. 


It opened my eyes to aspects of medicine that are often set aside for our conventional pills. 

There is a reason why the same surgery, done on the same day, in the same way with the same team may not have the same outcome for each patient that day. Every person, every patient, is different. Even in orthopedics, you may have a different experience when you have your right knee replacement from the left; every situation is different. 

Though we have wonderful technology, medical advancements are ongoing and continue to push the boundaries of what we think we know, we cannot forget that there are basics of stress, nutrition, and healing that play an integral role in how we experience pain and recovery. 


This Is Why I’m Writing To You Today

I strongly believe that we have lost the sense of responsibility in our own health. I believe we have been conditioned to fix things by taking a pill and stop evaluating our participation in the process. Medical professionals are trained to evaluate, analyze, and prescribe, but the follow through has to be a team effort. I believe that teamwork to prepare for surgery, support for initial recovery, and guidance to achieve long term goals can help not only the physical recovery from surgery, but the experience of that event. 

Are you ready to finally take control of your health?

Then let’s do this. 

Tired of feeling like a passive participant in your own healthcare? 

Surgical Optimization For Everyone was designed to use a holistic approach to prepare you for surgery and help you with your recovery. 

There are nutrition modules to introduce and reinforce anti-inflammatory eating.

There are movement modules to prepare you for demands of surgery and after.

There are mindset modules to prepare you for stress.

There are modules on sleep to help with the stress and fatigue that many of us feel in the day to day.  

By the end of your surgical recovery:

 I want you to

  • celebrate exceeding your personal goals. 
  • have confidence that you have a knowledge base that can help you identify areas of lifestyle that can affect your health. 
  • relax in knowing that you did all that you could to preserve your strength, decrease your inflammation, and optimize your recovery from surgery.

In other words - you’ll be feeling accomplished and free to enjoy the lifestyle that you created to improve your overall wellness. 

Enroll now!


Surgical Optimization For Everyone


The Months Before

We start by assessing where you are. Everyone starts with different goals and from a different place. 

The aim is to identify what you are already doing well and identify areas in which to focus you energies for preparation 

We will then use an integrative approach looking at sleep, nutrition, movement, and mindset

You will develop tools to:

  • evaluate and possibly change how you respond to stress. 
  • evaluate you sleep patterns and improve those areas that are causing poor sleep. 
  • evaluate your nutrition and create tools to utilize lifelong to maintain healthy fuel for your body. 

The Weeks Before

This module is all about tools for change.

The aim is to implement lifestyle changes that can help you prepare for surgery. 

By the end of this module, you will:

  • utilize techniques to cope with stressful situations.
  • tailor your sleep habits to improve your sleep health. 
  • plan for nutrition in a way that uses food for fuel and preparation.

The Days Before

This module is all about the specific changes and questions that arise in the time just before surgery. 

The aim is to educate and empower you so that you feel confident to manage what is to come in the next few days. 

By the end of this module, you will:

  • understand what to discuss with your medical team
  • prepare for comfort and independence
  • plan for your nutrition following surgery

The Days After

This module is all about having a plan for those things that are expected, and sometimes unexpected, following surgery. 

The aim is to strategize how you can feel assured to maintain health and well being.  

By the end of this module, you will:

  • identify strategies to manage stress and frustration. 
  • identify strategies to help with comfort. 
  • use food for nausea, constipation, and fuel to heal. 

The Weeks After

This module is all about assessing where you are and making a plan to move toward your goals.

The aim is to surpass your pre-surgery level of function and enjoyment. 

By the end of this module, you will:

  • look at your psychological well being and how you can meet your goals. 
  • evaluate how rest can influence your health. 
  • experiment with food in a way that allows you to utilize food as nourishment, both body and mind at times.

The Months After

This module is all about moving forward and setting a pattern for lifestyle changes. 

The aim is to implement lifestyle changes that can continue for years to come. 

By the end of this module, you will:

  • identify techniques that empower you to manage stressful situations.
  • maintain your sleep habits to improve your well being. 
  • plan for nutrition in a way that works with you schedule and tastes.
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Core Pillars

Less Can be More

One philosophy of integrative medicine is to use the most effective, least invasive technique to achieve the desired outcome. 

Little is in Isolation

So much of what we experience is influenced by our thoughts, our environment, and our history. These factors influence our outcomes. 

You are important

Currently, we have amazing medical technology dictated to a patient. Let's use this amazing technology along with the innate ability of our bodies to heal. 

One Time Payment


What you get:

  • Lifetime access to all content and updates as they are available.
  • Up to 6 months of videos with 85 self paced lessons
  • 6 workbooks to guide you through the program
  • >200 recipes to help you with ideas on how to use an anti-inflammatory eating pattern in your life. 
Join us now