I am a mom and orthopedic surgeon who realized that conventional medicine was missing something huge!


Meet Liz!

I am an orthopedic surgeon fellowship trained in integrative medicine through Dr. Andrew Weil’s program at the University of Arizona. I believe that conventional medicine is absolutely needed and beneficial, but still lacking a key part....the amazing healing potential that each of you have within!

I am the mom of three and just like you, struggling to find the time to bring a healthy choices into our lives. I have a strong belief that we can influence our healing potential and optimize our chances to take advantage of all that modern healthcare affords us if we utilize techniques that have been present for many, many years.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

It All Started When...


As a child, I dreamt about making a difference in people's lives. My mom is a nurse and I saw how much she cared for people. My dad taught me the basics of building, designing, and fixing things. I guess in a way when I decided I wanted to help people and fix things it made it an easy decision to go into orthopedic surgery. We are often looked at as the carpenters of medicine.  I felt in this way I would be able to make a difference.   I thought that was the best way to take what was broken and put it back together. 
I first worked toward my undergraduate degree in exercise science knowing that movement is a key to health. I was an athlete growing up; I loved how strong and empowered I felt when I was fit. 
I continued my education through medical school and then residency for orthopedic surgery.  I was amazed at all of the technological advances and discoveries that have been made throughout history and recently that allow health care providers to treat patients. 

But Then Everything Changed...

As I started practice, I realized people were doing well. As I thought about it, I realized that though many are doing well, many could really do better. I reflected on who was truly excelling in their recovery and who may struggle just a little bit more. I realized that though I had a gut feeling, in order to really understand, I had to learn something that was not taught in medical school. I had to learn how patients can heal themselves. 
So I did something that was really hard after being in training previously for many, many years, I decided to enroll in school. Specifically, I applied to and was accepted to the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine Fellowship Program. Here I was exposed to a variety of techniques that draw upon the body’s innate ability to heal. I learned that integrative medicine does not replace conventional medicine, but can very easily work within our conventional techniques to add to the patient experience and outcome with little additional risk and significant opportunity for benefit. 
I implemented education for nutrition and stress management that can help patients prepare for and recover from surgery.


I thought, what if we could optimize everyone prior to surgery? What if we could give everyone the tools for success?
What if I developed a plan that started as soon as a patient knew they were going to have an elective surgery and then would continue through their recovery?
How could we use all that we know about health, lifestyle, and fitness to empower people to succeed?  
I realized that in my past, I really enjoyed coaching soccer and being a swimming instructor. Drawing on that enjoyment of coaching and teaching, it led me to decide on creating an automated educational program. Now, I'm able to share with you these programs that can really utilize integrative techniques to prepare you for surgery, recovery, and surpass your own expectations.

Ready To Take Control of Your Health and Recovery?


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